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June 28, 2016     Lassen County Times
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June 28, 2016
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Lassen County Times, Westwood PinePress [ Tuesday, June 28, 2016 9I! COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES A government no-fly list will damage Bill of Rights WHERE I STAND inquire as to your status Amendment 5, as the accused with respect to the list the is denied "liberty" (he HAROLD PEASE, PH.D typical answer is, "as acannot fly as do others) CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERTnational security issue the "without due process of government can neither law"--a way to challenge the "No one on the confirm nor deny your punishment. The government's no-fly list listing." amendment guarantees the should be able to purchase a George W. Bush created the person the right to be firearm," was the immediate no-fly list after 9/11, which accused before punishment, response from both Hillary today forbids perhaps asbut no accusation was made Clinton and President many as 80,000 from flying in nor was evidence presented Barack Obama to the or out of the country, to anyone outside the massacre in an LGBT Whether maintained by Bush government to evaluate, such nightclub in Orlando, Florida or Obama, a secret no-fly list as to a jury States too, in byradical Muslim extremistfor U.S. citizens is a Amendment 14, abe Omar Mateen. restriction on someone forbidden the same in Perhaps even Donald because of a perceived belief, similar wordage, "...nor shall Trump, the presumptive practice or action (a any state deprive any person Republic nominee for punishment if you will) of life, liberty, or property, president who plans to mee t applied without any evidence without due process of with the NRA to talk aboutof unlawful behavior he law .... " the no-fly list, could be may not fly If there had been It also violates Amendment vacillating on this issue, unlawful behavior the person 6, which guarantees the Moreover, nine senators led ' would be incarcerated and accused of his right "to be by Republican Susan Collins, the issue of a no-fly list informed of the nature and want the no-fly list to apply would be irrelevant. A cause of the accusation; to be to purchasing firearms as second punishment is confronted with the well. They all need to be applied if he is also denied witnesses against him; to reminded that' there exist the right of a firearm. This have compulsory process for serious Bill of Rights turns upside down the obtaining witnesses in his concerns in doing so. judicial standard, "innocent favor, and to have the The president refers to until proven guilty." Assistance of Counsel for his those on the list he creates as Remember U.S. Senator defense." None of this terrorist suspects, but Ted Kennedy was once on the happens for the no-fly list terrorist is only loosely government's no-fly list as people as the government defined. Both Vice President was a six-year-old boy, a has already effectively Joe Biden and former House number of persons over 80 convicted and rendered Speaker Nancy Pelosi have years of age, and an 18-punishment, sometimes used the word in reference to month old toddler Reianna indefinitely the Tea Party movement. (last name not given in the Should Congress adhere to How many are listed varies CNN report to protect family the Obama/Clinton, and with respect to who one cites identity). The accused rarely perhaps Trump, request to but it is many is informed of the "make sure no one on a no- thousands. Everything is so government's intention to fly list is able to buy a gun" clouded in government punish him until he attempts they will amplify the already secrecy that virtually no one to fly and is forbidden doing existing constitutional knows how he or she got on so. infractions of Amendments or get off the list. Should you No-fly restrictions violate 5, 6 and 14 and keep REMEMBER WHEN 130 years ago Rocket nose cones, bombs, and artillery In consequence of many sheep being shells were on display around the depot's old driven into this section for summer range, railroad caboose, thanks to base Public the grocers are doing an extra business in Affairs Officer Larry Rogers. their line. We notice an almost continual Rogers has been busy building an string of wagons and pack animals going out interesting collection of Korean and into the mountains loaded with flour, bacon Vietnam War era military weapons, as well and other camp necessities, as volumes of base memorabilia, including an Olympic torch that passed through 90 years ago Herlong. There will be no fireworks sold in Susanville for the Fourth of July This 15 years ago announcement has been made by M.J. Tilley, City officials considered banning all who made a canvas of the stores and sales fireworks this year because of the fire agencies which had purchased fireworks for danger. Fire Chief Steve Rose convinced the this year's holiday, and who said they would Susanville City Council to restrict use of withhold them from sale as a preventative legal fireworks to a 48-hour period. measure against fire and accidents. 35 years ago The Susanville Department of Parks and Recreation completed the planting of 130 trees at Riverside Park. Other benches, sanitary facilities, lighting and the planting of grass were under way and expected to be ready for public use in the fall. 25 years ago The darkness of the night, combined with the music provided by radio station KCMT, lent an air of romance to the Historic Uptown Susanville Association's first street dance. The dance was held on South Lassen Street from 9 p.m. to I a.m. The association scheduled several more outdoor events to take place in the Uptown areas as the summer progresses. 20 years ago Relics of the Cold War's nuclear age were on display at the Sierra Army Depot's new visitor center in Herlong. 10 years ago A young Susanville Marine currently serving in Iraq with Company W, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, was attacked with small arms fire and a roadside bomb while his unit conducted a mission on June 11. The company's 5th Mobile Assault Platoon received a lone shot midway through a presence patrol conducted through neighborhoods of Ar Ramadi, in the southern portion of A1 Anbar's capital in the heart of the Sunni Triangle. Luckily it missed its target -- Private First Class Travis T. Fitzpatrick. Last year Based on records and data kept by one local resident, Eagle Lake's water level will drop to a historic low this summer. Dec Bateson measured the water level at 5,091.83 feet on June 20, which he said is down four inches from three weeks prior. "If it continues at that rate, it will break that all-time record by Aug. 5," he said. FOURTH, from page 8B Traffic Safety alcohol and boating also Administration, 33,561 people make a bad match. Almost died in traffic crashes in 2012 haft of all boating accidents including an estimated 10,076 involve alcohol. Here's a people killed in drunk sobering statistic. According driving crashes. According to to the U.S. Coast Guard a the statistics, 6,688 of those boat operator with a .10 victims were drivers (65 percent blood alcohol percent), 2,824 were concentration or higher is 10 passengers (27 percent) and times more likely to be killed 810 were not in the vehicle (8 in a boating accident that a percent), boater who has not been As everyone knows, drinking. DIAIVlOND IVlOUNTAIN FARMS Your best source for top quality cannabis discreetly delivered WE SPECIALIZE IN DISCREET DELIVERY! (916)584-2389 Visit us at Email at Get access today and recieve a free 1/8th with sign up. Now on We encourage you to enjoy the holiday and celebrate our independence, but be safe and responsible, t thousands of lawful Obama, Clinton, or possibly trusted presidential Americans from protecting Trump can change these candidate in U.S. History, themselves with arms. amendments is with a new used every government Amendment 2 guarantees constitutional amendment, organization at her disposal "the right of the people to which a president cannot to punish or vilify the keep and bear arms," and constitutionally initiate (see women who :had affairs with certifies that this right "shall Article V). her husband while he served not be infringed." This too Remember too, a as governor of Arkansas and would be violated for 80,000 government secret list of president of the U.S. With persons without any real "bad guys," has already been her personal integrity evidence of wrongdoing, used by the Obama ratings so low it would be Moreover, even if such a administration to punish his expected that she would use law were passed it is well to political enemies. The IRS . a no-fly law against her reinember that--a mere used such a list to punishpolitical enemies. law---cannot trump a perhaps 200 Tea Party Hopefully, presidential constitutional amendment-- Organizations. Louis Lerner, candidate Trump will not most especially four one of those most take too long to see the amendments, as using a no- responsible for doing so, pled damage to the Bill of Rights fly list to prohibit purchase the Fifth Amendment to by theproposed no-fly of a firearm would do, The avoid perjuring herself, legislation and use his only constitutional way that Hillary Clinton, the leastinfluence to defeat it. On poverty, militarism and our public school WHERE I STAND neighborhoods of erupted sporadically, driven ..................................hopelessness. Joining the by the drumbeat of certainty ROBERT C. KOEHLER U.S. military is the only Some of the boys and girls • JOURNALIST AND EDITOR opportunity available to seemed as young as 10 or 11. PEACEVOICE millions of young Americans One boy walked past me to escape poverW. We have no twirling a rifle like it was a What's the difference government programs to baton. Was it real? Was it between education and build the infrastructure of loaded? obedience? If you see very peace and environmental The concept of America is little, you probably have no sustainabllity we can't a totally military problem with the afford that, so it has to phenomenon, I thought as I militarization of the • happen on its own (or not at walked along the parade American school system -- all) but our military route. This is what holds it or rather, the militarization marches on, funded at more together, not culturally, but of the impoverished schools, than haft a trillion dollars a as a legally organized entity the ones that can't afford year, into ever more The flags, the rifles, the new textbooks or functional pointless wars of aggression. Humvees, the names of the plumbing, much less art Glory, glory, hallelujah. I'd dead and the uniformed supplies or band equipment, never been to a Memorial Children. For a moment I My town, Chicago, is a case Day parade in my life, but I wondered if I could continue study in this national trend, went to this year's parade in calling myself an American. The Pentagon has been downtown Chicago because Then I met up with eyeing these schools -- members of the Chicago the Vets for Peace people at broken and gang-ridden chapter of Veterans for State and Lake a small for a decade now, and seeing Peace were going to be there, group of men and women its future there. It comes in protesting the militarization handing out stickers that like a cammy-clad Santa, of the city's schools, read: "No military in bringing money and I arrived as the parade was Chicago Public Schools. . di.'scipliae. In return it gets • still assembling itself along Education, not young minds to shape, to (I Wacker Drive. What I saw, militarization." fear) possess: to turn into the along with the Humvees and "The idea is, just by being next.generation of soldiers, the floats (Gold Star Families here, we're having people available for the coming of the Fallen, Paralyzed stop for a moment and think wars. Veterans of America: about the militarization of The United States no Making a difference for 70 Chicago schools," Kevin longer has a draft because years) were thousands of Merwin told me. "There's the nation no longer believes young people mostly kids opposition to the wholesale in war, except abstractly, as of color, of course -- militarization of youth in background noise. But it has bedecked in various an economic draft: It claims uniforms, standing in recruits largely from the formation as martial music gee Schools, page 10B r n smile ew IS can Doors Windows Locksmith elp! ComplimentaryEvaluations Available Susanville Orthodontic Care Building Beautiful Smiles 720 Ash St., Suite A, Susanville 257-4455 Garage Doors with Openers 16' x 8' Steel Back Garage Door w/o windows ...... $1,600 includes 3/4 hp belt drive opener with battery backup and wifi capability 16' X 7' Steel Back Garage Door, w/o windows ...... $1,500 includes 3/4 hp belt drive opener with battery backup and wifi capability All garage doors are insulated • Price includes installation Offer good thru June 30, 2016 Please give us a call for more information including available color options Eric Joa, Owner • Lic 911600, LCO #6327 741 Main Street, Chester •